The Internal Affairs Committee assist the Internal Vice President in organizing and hosting events for the club as a whole, including the house and big/little systems, club-wide socials, study hours, and member profiles. Members have an opportunity to provide a voice on the social culture of the club and suggest internal events.
Sp 24' Formal
Sp 24' Formal
Fa 23' Formal
Sp 24' Mini Golf Social
Sp 24' Social
Sp 24' Rollerblading Social
Sp 24' Rollerblading Social
Sp 24' Kayaking Social
Sp 24' Study Hours
Sp 24' Big Little Reveal
Sp 24' Retreat
Sp 24' Banquet
Sp 24' Banquet
Sp 24' Banquet
Sp 24' Formal
Sp 24' DF Social
Sp 24' DC Picnic Social
Sp 24' Formal
Sp 24' Retreat
Fa 23' Formal
Sp 24' Formal
Fa 23' Formal
Fa 23' Beach Social
Fa 23' Formal
Sp 24' Formal
Sp 24' Beach Social
Sp 24' Big Little Reveal
Sp 24' banquet